I'm so excited for summer...
I have summer school from June 22nd to July 31st, but it's not for what you're thinking. I'm going to accelerate in math. I want to skip Algebra II/Trig and move on to Pre-Calc next year. But I'm excited for it because I get to take the bus to Western. I get to use my summer bus pass. :D And then I get to see Matthew and Christa for most of the summer. :D At least I'll get to talk to them more often. I'm actually excited for this summer but I still have things to plan out.
One of the things that I need to try to get planned is our new tradition of going to Soak City. I'm excited for that too. Plus I need to go to Knott's Berry Farm too but I don't think that I'll go. I'm gonna go to Disneyland on Monday as well cuz this entire next week I'm not blocked. Yay for Disneyland :] I also planned on going to Disneyland like two days or three days before school starts. Well that's all of the theme parks that I can actually go to. But I might be able to go to Universal Studios with my cousins. but i don't know as of now...
Another thing that I have planned for this summer is to go on my brother's webcam more often. With the webcam I can probably chat with my friends more. :] I think that I need a new microphone cuz i'm really tired of the one on the headphones. It annoys me so much. I'm also planning on making videos of myself singing. I don't know if I should or not. I'm pretty self conscious so I don't know if I'd be comfortable with singing to the entire world. But that's over the summer. Tomorrow.. or actually today considering it's midnight, I have a board bonding event and visions meeting. I'm totally excited for this because I love my Key Club Board soo much that I want to spend a lot of time with them.
So the board bonding event is a horror movie and I'm kind of scared for it. But like I'll probably have a pillow and a blanket and I'll be hiding under that. I'll also be watching another movie under there or something. haha. Well I keep thinking about the movie (everyone else is thinking about the bonfire and the movie as well) when there's also a visions meeting to think about. But I think that Pauline has that done. I don't know if we need to bring anything but whatever.
Well I think that's pretty much all I need to talk about tomorrow. I guess I'll write again tomorrow or on Sunday when I don't have anything to do. I'll probably write about the beach bonfire or the horror movie. Maybe both. But for now I'll just post a video that I really like of Jennifer Chung and Gabe Bondoc. They're singing HSM3 song but it's a really sweet song. I love it. And I love it even more when they sing it. They're voices are so mellifluous. :D
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Bored.. Procrastinating...
Ok so um...
I haven't posted in a while. Just as I said I would, I'm back for a few moments. I don't really like using these sorts of Internet things. Twitter. Blogs. MySpace. Facebook. It all seems worthless because you can't sustain a conversation. AIM I can deal with since you can talk as if you're in a conversation. Whatever I'll move on now.
I haven't posted in a while. Just as I said I would, I'm back for a few moments. I don't really like using these sorts of Internet things. Twitter. Blogs. MySpace. Facebook. It all seems worthless because you can't sustain a conversation. AIM I can deal with since you can talk as if you're in a conversation. Whatever I'll move on now.
DCON. So many things to say about DCON. One of the best experiences of my life so far. I loved it. My room was fun. :] 5 guys. 3 beds. I ended up sleeping on the ground. So many inside jokes to keep... well inside... I can't wait until it's in Sacramento next year. I'm gonna miss Peter and Brian and Evelyn though. They're like my favorite seniors right now :D. Well I'm kinda sad that a person only gets 3 years of Key Club Officer experience if they ever are one. Considering there's four years of high school. It sucks because an entire year is cut off just because the Key Club year starts half-way through the regular school year. Half a year off at the beginning of Freshman year. Half a year off at the end of Senior year. Well the new Key Club year is here. I'm so glad that I'm an Exec. Officer. I'm just worried because I don't know what the heck I'm doing. I don't know what a req. form is. Kelly didn't explain that much to me. I guess I'll just ask Peter or Pauline how to do it. But I hope I can do a good job at this. Oh well. I'll do my best :D
So the first Visions meeting was today. But before that there were the interviews. OMG that was hell. I don't want to go through that over again. It was between Tim Davis and Lillian Nguyen. Everything just kept going back and forth between pros and cons. If only they were one person then we'd have the close to perfect person for the job. Oh well. I guess the person we chose is the best for the job. IT'S FOR THE CLUB! :D <3>
Well on the last post, I was saving up for a new Mp3 player. I said between the beginning of April to mid-April. I had miscalculations. Well I'm still probably gonna get a Zune, but I'll just hold out until I have enough money. I told my mom that I wanted to buy it. She went all asian mom crazy on me. But I'll still buy it. I'm just hoping I'll have it by the end of the school year. That's my main goal. I'm planning on selling some games for it. I might sell my Pokemon Pearl as well as my Guitar Hero DS version... I'll think about it.
That's pretty much it for now. I don't want to bore anyone with all of the talking. I gotta finish homework. Hale and Erickson to finish tomorrow... I haven't done either of it. XD Thank goodness for late start Mondays. Like it'll make a difference -.-
Friday, March 13, 2009
Back :]
Ok so during my absence...
I noticed a few things about the people who pay attention to the music industry.
As you may have know, Jai Ho from Slumdog Millionaire is an Academy Award winner for Best Song. You may also know that the Pussycat Dolls did a remake of the song that sounds similar. What I noticed was that, to many of the Indian people who live here and have listened to both tracks, they prefer the original one that was included in the movie. Whether or not they are westernized or hard core Indian, they may prefer the original one more. To me, I like the Pussycat Doll version, even though I enjoy listening to both. Something about the way people take in their culture makes it different. I'm more of a westernized person, barely having any connection to my Vietnamese heritage. I haven't taken Viet classes in like 5 years... Well, that was just something interesting that I noticed...
Another thing...
Erickson's a bitch.
Some of you may know that... I don't care what anyone says. I will never love having her as a teacher. I may appreciate having her as a teacher but I will never love having her as a teacher. I guess my point is clearly stated. On to the next topic.
For some odd reason, I actually enjoy having CP2 this semester. It is very fun with Anne-Marie and Jasmine sitting on opposite sides of me. I love my cluster buddies. Even though they throw things at my head. And it hurts. Oh well. My cluster peeps are gonna be friends for life. Or until the end of high school anyway. But you never know. They could end up being your roomates in college. ;3
Choir is... interesting... I don't love my choir. I'm actually leaning more towards hating the guys in my choir. They're so obnoxious and immature. Even though they are kind of funny at times. I really don't see the need of skipping around backstage before a show... o.o Well the final/audition was today. I thought I did well. Except for some timing issues but he smiled... Don't really know if that's a good thing or a bad thing... But I'll take whatever he gives me. He said I may be a tenor. o.o Sometimes those notes are high for me... Oh well. Like I said I'll take whatever he gives me. I'll just scream at the top of my lungs when he needs me to. :D
So I'm saving up for a new mp3 player. I've decided on buying a 120 GB Zune, for several reasons. First of all, it has an FM tuner. Ipods don't. As simple as that. Second of all, Zunes have a newer and more fresh look and design compared to that of the iPod. Thirdly, I don't really like the format that the iPod uses. It gets too difficult if you have TONS of folders. Even though I don't have that many. Finally, the Zune is cheaper. Meaning less money that I will have to spend. Well according to the Wal-Mart prices. I know it's only about 30 dollars difference but it still makes an impact on my wallet. Plus, I don't know if I'm going to tell my mom that I'm going to buy it. I'm scared of getting audited by my own mother. I calculated how long it'll take for me to save enough money. At this moment, I have around 120 dollars. The Zune costs about 230. I'll probably get to the amount by sometime early April or mid-April.
Classes are fucking boring nowadays. I can not believe that they are cutting French. Personally, I think that Mrs. P-C got the short end of the stick. I think that Mandarin should be the class that gets cut from the curriculum. Not French. Mrs. P-C has put too much of her heart into the foreign language department. She is one of the best teachers EVER. Even if she gets annoying, she will make sure that you know the material before you move on. If she gets cut, I will always remember her. Here's hoping she doesn't and will just stay as a Spanish teacher.
I'm running out of things to rant about. Maybe I'll just put a video for a song that I like here. Yeah. I'll do that.
The song's called "Wild at Heart" by Gloriana. The band consists of Cheyenne Kimball, the country star that never was. Well she's back but now she's in a band that's gonna be touring with Taylor Swift on her Fearless tour. So watch out for them. The song's really good. I like it. I don't care if it's country. It's a good song.
Well that's probably all I'm going to say for now... I'll probably be back in a couple of months. I just post when I see that I have time. Don't really like doing this that often. Cuz then I'll sound as if the whole world is about me.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Part of this blog is missing...
Do you know what I just realized? I haven't been doing any movie reviews lately. That was one of the reasons as to why I started this blog anyway. Maybe I'll start doing album reviews too. Once I'm able to download them without using LimeWire. Don't really know if I should be saying that on here. But whatever. I hope I don't get arrested. o.o But yeah... I'll start doing movie reviews again once I see any new movies. First bet would be Bride Wars so stay tuned for that. Or don't. I don't give a crap. <- that would have been more verbally explicit if it were not for my calmness right now. If I were having a tantrum then that would be what I should have said. Check out the trailer down there...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Well today was the first day of 2008 2009. Whoops... Haha... Well I spent half of the day today sleeping. :] It felt nice. The other half of the day, I spent watching the Rose Parade. OMG I saw Mahak's float. But I didn't see her. :[ They even showed a close up to the dancers but I didn't see Mahak. :[ Oh well. At least she was in it. :D
My family friend came over today with her grand-daughters. It was fun but tiring. Little kids have so much energy. I feel soo old now. And I'm almost the youngest in the class.
Yesterday was so fun. I got to go to Downtown Disney with Jasmine and supposed to be Kamille too but then she had to leave. :[ We were supposed to watch Yes Man but then after Kamille left we chose to watch the Curious Case of Benjamin Button instead. Ha in your face Sari. OMG there were a lot of sex scenes. It was like whenever they met the had sex. It was kinda gross. Cuz she was like 50 and he was 50 too but she actually looked 50 while he looked like he was 20. So it looked kinda pedophilish but then it wasn't. It was a very confusing movie. But was really good too. It was freaking long though. It was almost 3 freaking hours. I timed it. lol.
Well that was pretty much it. I'll be back later to say more about my vacation. Or what's left of it.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I'm practically screwed...
Well tomorrow's New Year's Eve. Which means that there is a little bit more than 24 hours left until 2009! I'm really excited. But the fact that I only have about 5 days to finish my reading and annotating for Erickson is really bringing me down. I don't like Erickson. Have I mentioned that? Well I started at least. About 2 scenes out of 10 or 11. Great... You know what I realized just now? Sarcasm doesn't really work unless you're saying it. Well I finished watching Ugly Betty Season 2 and I just haven't had time to give it back to Phuong yet. I also got Rock Band yesterday. Great... Another way to distract me from my homework.
I went to Christa's house on Saturday for her little birthday get-together/party thing. It was really fun. That is where I started to like Rock Band only to buy it a few days later. I'm sorry Matthew for making you fall. And I'm sorry Christa for breaking your dart and your cabinet. I really think that I shouldn't go to your house anymore. Seeing that I broke almost everything. We did a lot of stuff like play Twister - which Christa bought when I could have just brought it over. We played Rock Band (of course), some racing game that had terrible graphics on the Wii, and then we ate A LOT of her food. Her heavenly cookies are delicious. :] We also went to the park where we all froze our butts off. We just sat around at the park and played some very weird games that I did not take a part of. :D
I also went to Chris' house on Sunday. I met his dog and OMG is she fuzzy. She is like the fuzziest dog ever. It's like her hair got like afro'd. XD Well there I failed at SSBB and I failed at Guitar Hero: World Tour. I also failed at DDR. I fail at a lot of things un-school-related. That's what makes my life miserable.
That's pretty much what happened for the past few days. Tomorrow I'm gonna go watch Yes Man - I think - with Jasmine and Kamille. Hope it's good. Cuz then I'd be wasting about 6 dollars for a movie that isn't very good. Oh well. It's worth a shot. And to all of those people who are going to be partying tomorrow night, please don't get drunk. Yes, I'm talking to those underage people who have already tasted beer coughlynnacough. Have a great New Year's Eve. :]
Common, Simple, Beautiful
I am sorry but this is a very pointless post....
I just really like this song a lot.
So I'm going to dedicate an entire post towards the song
Friday, December 26, 2008
5 more days...
Today was great :]
So this morning I woke up at about 8 to go shopping for after-Christmas sales. It was ok. Nothing that cheap. Nothing that expensive. Well Christmas yesterday was alright. Not much gifts but couldn't ask for more considering the amount of people in my family. A watch from my brother. A wallet from my mom when I insisted that the Wii that I got for my birthday would have sufficed for both my birthday and my Christmas gift. A stuffed animal from Phuong. And chocolates from everyone. >:[ Only Matthew would know why that face is there. And Rochelle Paz. I keep on forgetting that she knows the inside joke that Matthew and I share.
Well today I got to go to Westminster Mall to buy absolutely nothing. :] My brother bought a jacket at Aeropostale or however you spell it. We got a new vacuum cleaner. Don't know if that is important but whatever. One of my favorite parts in the day was DIM SUM for lunch. Oh and Wetzel's Pretzels for breakfast. Delicious. :] After Westminster Mall was done and lunch was done as well, my entire family got new phones! :] Mine is sexaaaay. :P Suckish but sexaaaaaay. xP There's a picture down there...
After that I went to Target and I got to buy Lady Gaga's CD The Fame. It is like the best thing ever! I've listened to it about 3 times since I got it. It's so good. Well after that I went to Wal-Mart to return some stuff but didn't really buy anything. I'm just so happy for my new phone. I've already dropped it once... -_-
Well I hope you had a Merry Christmas. I should probably get to sleep now. Gonna get ready for Christa's "hangout" tomorrow. And then heading off to Chris' house on Sunday.
Holy crud. Only less than a week left of 2008. Make it last you guys :]
Sunday, December 21, 2008
There's only 4 more days 'til Christmas
I can't believe that it's Winter Break already. Two weeks of staying home and doing nothing. I can't wait until someone in our class can drive. Then I can go wherever they can drive me. And I can get away from my mom and my brother. This break is probably gonna be great. My first Saturday on break was totally amazing. :]

First I had to wake up at 6 a.m. which was the worst part. I went to St. Irenaeus Church so that I could serve pancakes and give out food. It was fun but it was FREEZING cold. We went past Oxford and the marquee in the front said it was 37 freakin' degrees. Yes Fahrenheit. It was from 7 to 11. OMG. I was so tired after that. But then Phuong and I drove back home so that we could get some stuff so that we wouldn't freeze our butts off at Anaheim Ice. We also drove Nick C. but we had to pretend that he was my friend. Not saying that he's not my friend, but it's just that he couldn't be Phuong's friend because of relationship things with her parents. Well we went to DCM at Anaheim Ice. We missed the first part of the meeting because we went to Juice It Up! and Starbucks. I then realized that Juice It Up! is waaaaay better than Jamba Juice. I don't know why but I like it a lot more. Well we went in to ice skate before all of the other Key Clubbers because we didn't pay with Key Club. We met Kamille and Phi-Phi before hand and we went in before everyone else. Jasmine and Sarah showed up later and we skated some more. After ice skating, Kamille asked me to go to her birthday luncheon/gathering. I didn't go because I didn't want to eat that early. So we went home and Nick came over to my house. We played Scrabble and Disney Scene It? and I beat him both times. :] I'm sorry Nick but I pwned you. After he went home my day kinda went boring. But it still was the best way to start out winter break. I'm sorry Kelly for not being able to go to your party. I was waaaay too tired and I felt like I was gonna drop done and sleep immediately.
That was pretty much it for yesterday. Today I haven't really been doing anything. I kinda started on my bio project. It's going alright. Not great but not bad either. That's pretty much it.
Oh yeah...
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both Chris'
Chris Gray and Chris Dekemezian
Their birthday was yesterday December 20th
And Happy Birthday to all of the people with birthdays in December
Devyn Rubio - December 2nd
Isamar Amezcua - December 8th
Nicholas Chiu - December 8th
Kelly Chen - December 9th
Steffi Lee - December 10th
Megan Keo - December 12th
Arantxa DeAnda - December 12th
Jessica Yi - December 14th
Julian Nguyen - December 14th
Ali Figueroa - December 15th
Chris Gray - December 20th
Chris Dekemezian - December 20th
Kamille Cubillo - December 23rd
Christa Musngi - December 24th
Anne-Marie Bulone - December 25th
There's a few people missing...
I'm not very good with birthdays.
Oh and...
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