Friday, September 12, 2008


FUCK THAT STUPID LITTLE MR. BITCH. HE NEEDS TO GO BACK TO KENNEDY AND BITCH TO THEM. Or he can stay here and be nice to us. Because we can make his fuckin' life HELL. Mr. Hogan is the biggest piece of crap I have ever met. Besides Ibrahim. Just kidding. But seriously. Mr. Hogan is a jackass. He kept us for 10 minutes after the bell rang just because we were whispering. He even threatened to add another minute just when I was mouthing words. WTF!?!?!?! He needs to learn how to count because he obviously does not. I need to get him to go back to the first grade where the teacher would teach him that one little sash means ONE second. Not 30 seconds. Or 60 seconds. He expects us to be completely silent. If it weren't for my adoration of singing and giving the best show there is, I wouldn't even be singing the damn songs. OMFG He doesn't play the fucking piano as good as Mrs. Batinga. Not even as good as Rochelle. He keeps on fucking messing up the notes and speeding up and slowing down the tempo every few fucking measures. He needs to learn how to be patient with us cuz we're just 9th graders and it's our first week at school. COME ON DUDE GET OVER YOURSELF. We're not only Seniors and Juniors who are too classy to take your fucking crap. I feel a lot of appreciation for all the kids at Kennedy who had him as a choir teacher. Well only if he was that bitchy towards them too. I miss Mrs. Batinga. She was really nice. I want her back. Or at least Mrs. McElderry. For some reason I don't even see her anymore even though she's still teaching here. I fucking missed the bus cuz of that giant asshole. Phuong's mom had to drive all the way to school and pick me up. Which led to me feeling really bad that she had to waste the gas on me. I don't know what else to say about him. Only that he's the BIGGEST FUCKING LIAR IN THE WORLD.

I haven't made any new posts lately cuz of homework and such. ERICKSON IS THE TOUGHEST TEACHER IN THE WORLD. I just had to say that.

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